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Bataille De WagramÖsterreich.
Original Stahlstichkarte, gestochen von P. Tardieu nach A. M. Perrot. 1839.
Guter Zustand. Handkoloriert. Stockfleckig
Darstellung : 9,5 x 13,5 cm.
Mit Rahmen : 14,5 x 22,0 cm
Austria. Original map on steel, engraved by P. Tardieu after A. M. Perrot. 1839.
Good condition. Hand-colored.
9,5 x 13,5 cm.
Blattmaß: grundsätzlich Höhe vor Breite in cm
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Please consider that I pay 11% oldthing-Courtage on my articles, incl. shipping costs,
furthermore 19% VAT, as well as listing fee, per article € 0,12, per month, as well as 0,41 EUR per payment transaction.
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