Cockton, Henry. Life and adventures of Valentine Vox, the ventriloquist. London, Willoughby and Co. 1848. 8°. XX, 620 S. mit gestoch. Frontispiz, gestoch. illustr. Titel u. 60 gestoch. Tafeln von T(homas) Onwhyn. Hldr. mit goldgepr. Rückenschild u. Rückenverg.
Zweite Ausgabe. – Erschien zuerst 1839 bis 1840 in Lieferungen. – „Popularised by Charles Dickens, it was an immediate success, enjoying great popularity and acclaim. Illustrations by Thomas Onwhyn were a prominent feature of this, and most of Henry Cockton’s later novels. The first three chapters are set ‚in one of the most ancient and populous boroughs in the county of Suffolk‘, a thinly disguised Bury St. Edmunds… Valentine Vox was lauded as one of most amusing and entertaining works of the year, rivalling the popularity of Dickens’s novels“ (Wikipedia). – Frontispiz, der illustr. Titel und die Tafeln etwas fleckig, gutes dekorativ gebundenes Exemplar.
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